It was Sunday and I was oddly productive.
Sunday is my favourite day, usually for its plethora of ways to do nothing, but rather than spend it leafing through oversized weekend papers, strolling to nowhere with coffee in hand or watching televised sport, I spent mine doing things. One of those things was this post but then in a final twist of irony, it was left unfinished until today, victim of all the other productive things I did instead like get my hair cut.
Making time to read last weekend in Montpellier has got me back rolling with my reading too. I’m in one of those phases where I’m flitting between all sorts of books, enjoying the little tastes I’m getting. The books range from the sublime to the ridiculous and while this roundup features all of those, it largely deals with William Boyd’s Any Human Heart, a book that runs the gamut of human experience.
In fact, three of the books I’ve finished recently are brilliant while another is just brilliant fun. They, and various books I’m tickling along to completion, are below.